Disposable Mouthguards

Different mouthguard models are available from standard, paediatric and mouthguards with a special atraumatic design.
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Ordering Information


Product Number Description Measurement Box Size
AC01-102.M Disposable Mouthguard, yellow, no strap Medium (M) Box of 100
AC01-103.A Disposable Mouthguard, atraumatic design, blue, latex free textile strap Atraumatic (A) Box of 100
AC01-103.M Disposable Mouthguard, Blue, Textile strap Medium (M) Box of 100
AC01-103.P Disposable Paediatric Mouthguard, Latex Free, Textile strap Paediatric (P) Box of 100

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Delivery Process

1. Purchase order placed
2. 48 Hour Delivery timeline
Urgent orders can be fulfilled within 24 hours
3. Delivered to the hospital by zero emission vehicles
4. Customer receives product, ready to use with patient