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Anti-Slavery Policies

Micro-Tech UK distributes medical devices to the NHS and private hospitals within the United Kingdom. We source the vast majority of our products from our highly regarded parent company Micro-Tech Nanjing and from a very small number of other suppliers across the globe. We take extra care to source all of our products from responsible well run organisations who have a strong anti-slavery policy in place and senior managers of Micro-Tech UK visit, assess and audit our suppliers regularly to ensure our suppliers are held to the highest standards of workplace standards.

Our Modern Slavery and Anti-Slavery policies are as follows:

Modern Slavery Policy

1. Overview and how we define Modern Slavery

• 1.1 Slavery, forced labour, servitude, and human trafficking are types of ‘Modern Slavery’ – criminal activity that deprives victims of their liberty and usually involves financial and other exploitation.

• 1.2 We conduct our business fairly, ethically and with respect to fundamental human rights. We are committed to the prevention of all forms of Modern Slavery, both in our business and in our supply chains. We will not tolerate it.

• 1.3 You must read and comply with this policy if you work for, or on behalf of us in any capacity including as: an employee, director, officer, worker, consultant, volunteer, supplier or service provider.

• 1.4 Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal, or termination of the contract between you and us. It could also involve other legal steps being taken against you.

• 1.5 Our Anti-Slavery Officer (‘ASO’) is Gareth Bullen. They are responsible for this policy.

• 1.6 If you are an employee, this policy does not form part of your employment contract, and we may update it at any time.

2. Preventing Modern Slavery in our business

• 2.1 We carry out appropriate checks on all employees, recruitment agencies and suppliers, so that we know who is working for us or on our behalf.

• 2.2 We give every employee a written employment contract, and he or she is paid in accordance with the law. We comply with our legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of all of our employees and workers, including in relation to working hours, rest breaks and holidays.

3. If you are one of our Suppliers

• 3.1 If you supply us with goods or services, you must assess your business and supply chains and confirm to our ASO that you: » Comply with your legal obligations, in relation to Modern Slavery; and » Are committed to ensuring there is no Modern Slavery taking place in your business, or in any of your supply chains.

• 3.2 If you breach this policy, or are found to have Modern Slavery in your business, or knowingly in your supply chain, we may terminate our contract with you and pursue legal remedies against you.

4. If you are an Employee or a Worker providing services for us

• 4.1 You must immediately report any suspicions of Modern Slavery in our business or supply chains to our ASO. Our ASO will investigate within a reasonable time, on actions which may require to be taken.

• 4.2 You will not suffer any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting any genuine concerns, raised in good faith, under this policy. This applies, even if after investigation, they are found to be mistaken. If you believe that you have suffered any such treatment, you should immediately tell our ASO and, if you are an employee, refer to our Grievance and Whistleblowing Policies.

Our Commitment to Anti-slavery Legislation

Respecting Human Rights and promoting strong working conditions in our supply chain is a priority for Micro Tech UK and is embedded in our values for colleagues, community and sustainability. We support and are committed to all the clauses of the UK Modern Slavery Act.

Our Action Points

We will only work with suppliers, contractors and partners that aim to treat their people and the planet well. Through careful selection and regular auditing, we ensure:

1. There is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour in any organisation we work with.

2. All workers are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice.

3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic where accidents are monitored, prevented and environmental laws are respected.

4. Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training. Such training shall be repeated for new or reassigned workers.

5. Child labour shall not be used.

6. Living wages are paid.

7. All workers shall be provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions in respect to wages before they enter employment and about the particulars of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid.

8. Working hours are not excessive.

9. No discrimination is practised.